Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Full Plate

I am a bit behind in my blogging. But this was the dinner we had the night after my last post. Leftover tin foil dinners, leftover BBQ beans and at James' request Samosa inspired mashed potatoes.

 The next night I took the leftover mashed potatoes and wrapped them in pastry. It's still not traditional Samosas but not too far off.

James is a huge fan of Samosas so this was a treat for him. We even got to talking about what other fillings we could do. So I'm sure we will be having versions of these again.     

We decided to name them "Packets". So these are Samosa Packets.

"No great thing is created suddenly."- Epictetus

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tin Foil Dinners and BBQ Beans

Tin foil dinners are so simple!  Wrap up what you want to cook in tin foil, pop it in the oven and soon you have amazing food with little effort.

Before going plant-based I would make tin foil dinners quite often but back then there would be a hamburger patty thrown in with veggies, salt and pepper.

Now, instead of the beef, I just drizzle some olive oil over everything. Yum!

I made this one with corn on the cob, green bell peppers, zucchini, onion, potatoes, cabbage and a clove of garlic.
For protein I made BBQ beans in the slow cooker. I used the same sauce that I used when making my BBQ Tempeh.

I'm still working on this sauce. It doesn't yet taste the way I want it to. It's good but I know it can taste better. :) 

"Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience." - George-Louis de Buffon

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Salad Leftovers

For my lunch of leftovers from our grilled veggie dinner I piled grilled veggies and quinoa on the leftover salad greens and topped it with homemade croutons and (vegan) Caesar Salad dressing. 

Crouton and salad dressing recipes can be found in "Veganomicon"    

Our dog Andy deciding to be a lap dog :)

" Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!" - Dr. Seuss

Monday, September 3, 2012

Grilled Veggies

All summer I've been telling James that I want a grill for our backyard because I would love to have fun grilling all sorts of veggies and things. I finally I decided to do something about it. No, I didn't go and buy a grill but I did pull out our cast iron stove top grill.

With the grilled veggies I made some quinoa and I also roasted some veggies in the oven because our grill is small and I knew it would take forever to grill everything. Plus I made the Cesar Salad out of "Veganomicon".

So good!!!

"There's a way to do it better — find it." - Thomas Edison